Here the pictures I made for you during the last years to cheer you up. Doubt that you did see them since you said you didn’t check deviantART or Facebook. So take a look now and hopefully you will feel a bit better. You’re an amazing artists and I want to support you as good as I possibly can, with payment as I can afford and morally! You’re still a dear friend to me and I want you to know you can always come to me and ask for help if you need! <3
By the way, you can click on the images to open them up full size~
First the picture I made for your birthday 2015 ~
Then around new year 2015 – 2016 you posted you felt quite down so I made ya this to try and cheer you up. I was not sure if I could give your persona a different outfit.. Hope you don’t mind. The normal outfit fits him really great! I just wondered how he would look in different cloths.. really, hope you’re okay that I tried…
And for your birthday last year I am sorry that the picture didn’t turn out that well.. my tablet was broken at that time and I had to use my old one that I didn’t use for years. So to make up I did record the drawing and added a small message to the video. Warning: a bit loud and really embarrassing.
If you one day will take a look at your facebook chat, you’ll be able to see all of them again with some more messages. I really did never forget about you and always wanted you to know you have a friend waiting for you to return whenever you feel ready for it.