
FINAL FANTASY XIV 1.x Video Archive #2

Good Evening everyone!

Recently with all these different videos about the history of Final Fantasy XIV and why it had to become “A Realm Reborn” I checked all my old hard drives if I could find any videos from 1.x

After some work I could make one hard drive working again that contained lots of videos from the very first alpha tests of FFXIV. And of course I want to share them with you here!

You can download the video-file here:

Feel free to use it but please give credit to me and Square Enix, always following the material usage license:

I will keep digging and maybe will find more videos so better subscribe now to not miss that moment when I upload more!

FINAL FANTASY XIV 1.x Video Archive

Good Evening everyone!

Recently with all these different videos about the history of Final Fantasy XIV and why it had to become “A Realm Reborn” I checked all my old hard drives if I could find any videos from 1.x

There were thousands of screenshots but sadly not many videos. We never thought that the Eorzea we knew was going to end and vanish as it did. Now I regret not having more. But I will gladly share with you here what I have.

You can download the video-file here:

Feel free to use it but please give credit to me and Square Enix, always following the material usage license:

I will keep digging and maybe will find more videos so better subscribe to my YouTube Channel now to not miss that moment when I upload more!

Starlight Celebration 2016 – scenery appreciation

From the deepest parts of my heart I want to thank the creators of the Starlight Celebration for the amazing scenery they gifted us with again this year.
I wanted to create a video that shows as many of the gorgeous places and cutest little details as possible. All the hard work that was put into this was worth it and it’s so relaxing and festive to walk through the cities and housing areas.

Thank you and happy Starlight Celebration!

Music: Starlight Celebration / 星芒祭
Artist: Nobuo Uematsu / 植松伸夫

Material Usage Licence is located here: