Update: Click here for a story what happened at the festival as well as pictures and more suff! All in German tho XD

29th of June to 1st of July I’ll be in Bulle for the “Eidgenössisches Tambouren- und Pfeiferfest 2018”, or in English the “Swiss National Championships in Drumming and Piping 2018”! (not the official translation, I’m not sure that there actually is one).
More people than ever will be taking part in it. In the solo competitions are around 850 participants in 16 categories. I’ll have to prove myself against 128 other drummers for a top stop in my category.
Altogether, with group competitions, there will be up to 4000 drummers and pipers! It will be a loud but very lively event again!
As mentioned, I’ll also do solo competitions. Mine will start 09:36 and 09:56 on Friday the 29th. Of course I hope I’m good enough to make it into the finals that will be held on that evening but I doubt it so far.. I still need a lot more practice and the other competitors will be strong as well!
On Saturday we’ll have the whole group in Bulle for the group competitions and later in the evening parades, as well as on Sunday with the major parade around the town.
I’ll keep you up to date on everything on my twitter account @Miingno in case you’re interested. Also I’m in charge of the accounts of my drum group the Crazy Drummers here on twitter, facebook and instagram – although they are in German and not English ;D But feel free to follow as well 😀
It will be an amazing competition again and as always will only lack one thing in the end: sleep ;D